Shiatsu (Japanese for finger pressure) is a body therapy developed in Japan based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). According to Chinese health teachings, ailments and diseases are caused by a disturbance in the flow of energy (called Ki or Chi) in the body. The consequences are fatigue, exhaustion, tension and nervousness, from which pain and illness can arise. Causes of this disturbance can be stress, improper diet, or injury (physical or mental).
Shiatsu helps to get the Ki flowing again or to bring it back into balance. Through gentle, deep pressure with thumbs, fingers and palms, the Ki flow is activated and made to flow. The aim of the treatment is to release tension, stimulate the self-healing powers and prevent illness. Shiatsu is a very relaxing and energizing experience that touches deeply - with the goal of balancing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit.
Shiatsu can be helpful with
During the treatment
During the treatment, the client lies on a futon on the floor with comfortable clothes (Shiatsu is practiced without oil) . With the help of thumbs, hands and elbows, the energy channels (meridians) on the whole body are treated with gentle, deep-acting pressure. The self-healing powers are thus activated and the disease-causing energy blockages are dissolved. Shiatsu can be used preventively or therapeutically.
After the treatment
Take some time after the treatment. Take a walk or make yourself comfortable at home. This way the body can integrate the treatment and the self-healing powers are better activated. The treatment continues to work for hours and even days. Sometimes the already existing symptoms intensify or new ones arise. This is a good sign, although sometimes unpleasant. In case of chronic complaints, a treatment series of about five treatments is necessary to achieve an improvement of the situation. There should be about 10 days between treatments.
Shiatsu helps to get the Ki flowing again or to bring it back into balance. Through gentle, deep pressure with thumbs, fingers and palms, the Ki flow is activated and made to flow. The aim of the treatment is to release tension, stimulate the self-healing powers and prevent illness. Shiatsu is a very relaxing and energizing experience that touches deeply - with the goal of balancing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit.
Shiatsu can be helpful with
- General states of exhaustion (burn out), depression, stress, sleep disorders
- migraine, headache, back pain, neck tension, joint pain
- Digestive disorders
- menstrual and menopausal problems
- physical and mental tensions
- for relaxation and well-being
- Stimulates the circulation
- Strengthens the body and the immune system, activates the self-healing powers
- Promotes relaxation and sleep
- Reduces pain and discomfort
- Supports the body to return to its natural balance
During the treatment
During the treatment, the client lies on a futon on the floor with comfortable clothes (Shiatsu is practiced without oil) . With the help of thumbs, hands and elbows, the energy channels (meridians) on the whole body are treated with gentle, deep-acting pressure. The self-healing powers are thus activated and the disease-causing energy blockages are dissolved. Shiatsu can be used preventively or therapeutically.
After the treatment
Take some time after the treatment. Take a walk or make yourself comfortable at home. This way the body can integrate the treatment and the self-healing powers are better activated. The treatment continues to work for hours and even days. Sometimes the already existing symptoms intensify or new ones arise. This is a good sign, although sometimes unpleasant. In case of chronic complaints, a treatment series of about five treatments is necessary to achieve an improvement of the situation. There should be about 10 days between treatments.
Sarah Egli | dipl. Shiatsutherapeutin SGS
Therapieteam Reaktiv, Seebahnstrasse 85, 8003 Zürich | Phone 079 719 08 38 | E-mail [email protected]
Impressum und Datenschutz | Krankenkassen anerkannt | Schedule your appointment online
Therapieteam Reaktiv, Seebahnstrasse 85, 8003 Zürich | Phone 079 719 08 38 | E-mail [email protected]
Impressum und Datenschutz | Krankenkassen anerkannt | Schedule your appointment online